Monday, August 10, 2009

August 5, 2009

My little darling,
My last doctor’s appointment was on July 15th. Everything was looking good. I weighed 132 lbs. so the weight gain has finally started (though still only 6-7 lbs. total so far). It is kind of late in the game so it’s about time to start gaining a bit! My belly measured 23 weeks – right on track for that time. Yea! Of course, no one could tell I was even pregnant. I haven’t really figured that one out yet. I am not a big person so a protruding tummy like I have would NOT be normal. Ha! Your heartbeat was measuring 158 beats per minute, and you sounded/felt good! Here’s a picture of me around 23 weeks…

There are only 13 ½ weeks (wow!) until you are due to arrive. I can’t believe it is so close! We are starting to get things ready for your arrival. Elijah moved into Nate’s room a few weeks ago (they’re now sharing a room and have bunk beds), and I am now working to move all of Elijah’s toys into their shared room and OUT of your nursery. Once that is done, then I can get the nursery ready for you. I haven’t been able to purchase a ton of stuff because of Daddy’s unemployment, but I have gotten a few things: new bibs, pacifiers, bottles, etc. Daddy and the boys also helped me pick out 2 pink blankets for you, just in case you are a girl. If not, then I guess we’ll have some gifts to give! I also bought your baby book online so my next step is to get to filling that out too!

Nathan informed Charity and I last week that he thinks both of the babies will be born on his birthday, Oct. 28th. Charity doesn’t want you and Drew to arrive on the same day and definitely not on Nathan’s birthday! She wants everyone to have their own day. We have started a baby poll, and people have begun making their predictions on your gender, weight, height, birthdate and hair color. We’ll see who comes closest once you arrive. If you are reading this and would like to leave your vote, you can do it by leaving a comment here or emailing me your prediction.

Both of your brothers have felt you kick now, and they were both enthralled by it. Nathan felt you kick on Sunday night, July 26th. He was lying beside me on the floor. He had his hand on my tummy asking if you were kicking. I told him that you were, but normally he is not patient enough to wait for you to kick again. But this time, he just laid by me and waited. I knew when he felt your kick because his eyes lit up, and he said, “I felt it!” It was so cute. Elijah felt you kick yesterday. He was sitting beside me and put his hand on my tummy, as he normally does, and you were kicking. He felt a kick and asked, “What’s that?” I then told him that it was the baby kicking, and he got a big smile on his face.

Elijah said the funniest thing regarding you the other day. On Sunday, July 26th, we were at church, and Elijah was trying to sit on my lap. My belly is not yet huge, but it is big enough to cause my lap to disappear. Elijah was getting annoyed as he kept scooting back and could not get as close to me as he wanted. So, he got down, and in the middle of church, he turned to me and said, “Take that baby off so I can sit!” Um, yeah, okay son! Ha!

Perhaps the greatest excitement of the month came this Monday (Aug. 3rd). I have officially deemed it my Pregnancy Clumsy Day. That afternoon, I was fixing lunch when I turned to leave the kitchen and severely stubbed my toe (middle toe on right foot) on the wall next to the pantry. It was bad enough to draw blood – the nail cut the skin next to it. It is bruised and sore, but it is NOTHING compared to what I did that night. We went to Gigi’s that night. Nathan and Elijah were outside swimming so Daddy and I went to check on them (Gigi was out there with them). Gigi has 3 steps from the patio down to the pool. Well, I gracefully missed the last step! Daddy was in front of me and said that he felt a tug at his shorts and thought it was one of the kids. Then, he looked down and saw me on the ground!!! I instinctively protected you and caught myself on all 4’s. I now have 2 bruised knees – one with a nasty scrap on it. I also felt the big toe on my left foot bend backwards when I fell. It started swelling that night, and I kept ice on it. I could barely walk on it that night when I went to bed, which kind of scared me. I stayed off of it and iced/elevated it yesterday. By last night, I had some nasty bruising appear. I am not hobbling around as much today, but it is still very sore. I am still not sure I can wear a shoe; I may go to home group tonight in a sock only. I am just thankful that you were protected and I was not more seriously injured.

I cannot wait to meet you, my love! Just a few more months now.

Until next time -

June 27, 2009

My Sweet Pun’kin,

I had a sono and doctor’s appointment on June 17th. You looked GREAT in the sono. The sonographer and doctor both said that you were big for your age – about 12 oz. Nathan weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. at birth, and Elijah was 8 lbs. 2 oz. so if you stay big, I’ll be curious to see how big you are at birth! As for me, I have only gained 3 lbs., which is probably in part to me being so sick. Luckily, my appetite recently returned so I expect to make up in the weight gain area very soon. We did not find out whether or not you were a boy or a girl. However, when the sonographer put the wand on my tummy, she was in your “private” area, and Daddy is certain that you are a girl now.

If you wind up being a boy…I hope you don’t mind being called Baby Boy for the rest of your life. We simply have NOT come up with a boys’ name. I am sure we’ll have something by the time you arrive, though. Boys’ names just seem so much harder than girls’ names for some reason. *Sigh*

We got you a new swing and bassinet from our neighbors. They have almost 1 year old twins who only used these for a very short amount of time so they are practically brand new. The bassinet is really cool – round shape with a canopy. Nathan and Elijah both slept in a cradle that was Mommy’s, Aunt Charity’s and Uncle Sam’s. However, with Aunt Charity and Uncle Chris having their first baby, we felt that it was only fair to let them use it too. We have a swing from Nathan and Elijah that we need to get rid of – they just don’t hold up well after 2 kids, and honestly, I was quite tired of the aquarium theme.

Last Sunday was a special day where we celebrate our daddies. It is called Father’s Day. We gave Daddy a bag of goodies that Nathan and Elijah picked out – he had everything from a new belt to underwear to mouthwash! The best item in the bag was the travel pack of wipes that Nathan said that Daddy needed “for when he’s working and has to go potty.” That was really cute! I couldn’t think of anything to give Daddy from you, but you took care of that yourself. You let Daddy feel you kick for the first time – he was ecstatic about that since every time in the past, you have stopped kicking when he tries to feel.

This week, I was getting Elijah dressed and told him to be careful with Mommy since I had the baby in my tummy. Then, I asked him if you were a boy or a girl. He looked at me very emphatically and said, “Chee-Chee have boy.” He thought for a moment, and then said, “You have sis-er.” I guess Daddy and Nathan have convinced him that you are a girl. We are in soooo much trouble if you are a boy. Ha!

I haven’t felt many “Mother’s Intuitions” on whether you are a boy or a girl. The night before last, I had a dream that I had TWINS – a boy and a girl. We didn’t know that we were having twins until they were born. We named the girl, Kadynce Joy, and I remember saying, “I guess we’ll name the boy Brayden Josiah since we don’t have any other name picked out.” Ha! I also remember that Daddy came and laid by me in my hospital bed, and I told he and Mawmaw, “Well, we have our 4 kids now, and I have my girl so I guess we are done!” You have some crazy dreams when pregnant, and this was just one of mine.

As of today, I am now 21 weeks pregnant – it does not seem possible that we are already more than halfway through the pregnancy. Wow! I am beginning to get really excited about your arrival and am really looking forward to the events of this fall.

Until next time – I love you, my sweets!

June 1, 2009

My Little Pun’kin,
Another full month has gone by without an entry, and here we are at 17.5 weeks. It is hard to imagine that we’re almost halfway through this pregnancy journal. A few weeks ago, I felt you fluttering around for the first time. When I was lying down to nap on Saturday, though, I felt you moving very well. This time, it was up closer towards my belly button. You are definitely growing!

My last doctor’s appointment was on May 21st. Everything looked good. I hadn’t gained any weight, but I also hadn’t lost any. Maintaining my weight was good this time since I was just getting over the nausea/vomiting. Your heartbeat was strong and fast at 161 beats per minute. My next doctor’s visit is June 17th. I have a sonogram before that, and I can’t wait to see you again!

Aunt Charity went for her sonogram today, and she found out that she is having a baby boy! So, you will have a cousin named Andrew “Drew” around your age. She and Uncle Chris are ecstatic. Uncle Chris really wanted a boy. I told Nathan that Chee-Chee was having a boy, and he argued with me saying it was a girl. Later, I brought it up again, and said, “If Chee-Chee is having a boy, what am I going to have?” (He’s said that Chee-Chee and I were both having girls.) He said that “Chee-Chee can have a boy; you have a girl.” We’ll see if he’s right, I guess.

So far, Pawpaw has known the gender of each of his grandkids ahead of time. I do not know if it’s a Grandpa’s Intuition or a word from God. When I was 25 weeks pregnant with Nathan, I went to the hospital with a urinary tract infection. Mawmaw and Pawpaw went to the hospital with us, and it was then that Pawpaw told me that Nathan was a boy. I was 5 months pregnant with Elijah when we were at my cousin’s wedding reception, and he told me that I was having another boy. Then, last night, he told Charity, “You know it’s a boy, right?” Well, 3 for 3 isn’t bad. I guess we’ll see if he says anything about you! I’m beginning to wonder if he’s hoping to start his own ball team, though. Ha! I told Mawmaw that I’d try to give them their first granddaughter this fall, but I couldn’t make any guarantees.

I checked out a library book of baby names the other day, and I have made a list of possible boy names. We still don’t have anything that we know is “the one” as far as boy names so far. I guess we’ll keep looking and playing around. I was getting a bit despaired when I looked at the list, and none of them seemed to fit. Ah, I guess we’ll figure something out eventually.

You are beginning to make your presence known in my body. Gone are the days of wearing my normal, pre-pregnancy clothes. I definitely have to wear maternity stuff now. I think I am bigger now than I was with the boys, but you are my third so I guess that is expected.

I will try to check in more often now that I am feeling better. I love you, my Sweetie!