Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lil' Punkin Seed

I had my first doctor's appt. and sonogram yesterday. I am definitely pregnant!

Lil' Punkin is measuring about 3 days ahead at 7 weeks (I was 6 weeks, 4 days per LMP). We got to see and hear the heartbeating, and the sonographer said that it was good and strong. Wahoo! My official due date is Nov. 7th. Considering that I dilated early with both boys and had a very fast delivery the last time (45 min. from time water broke to birth), we may wind up inducing if we are heading in that same direction. The doctor thinks that just breaking my water would do the trick if I am already contracting/dilating.

They did bloodwork and had to use a vein on the inside of my left elbow. I knew I was in trouble when the nurse said, "I'm not going to lie; this is going to hurt." It was the only vein she could find, though. I think my veins went into hiding since they were all blown so badly during the uterine infection following Elijah's birth. LOL But, boy, was she right! That sucker hurt!!! It hurt just to straighten my arm the rest of the night. Luckily, the pain finally went away. I just have a nice bruise on the crevice of my arm.

The sonographer immediately recognized us - she was the sonographer for my first OB who delivered Nathan. So, she has taken pics of my first and third kids now. That was kinda neat. She said to tell Nathan that she was pulling for a girl for us too.
Baby is the long bean; yolk sack is circle next to it. Double click on sono to view larger - click back button to come back to blog.

After the doctor visit,we decided to check out the new hospital - Baylor Frisco. We found the maternity unit and looked around a bit. Then, the lady at the desk asked if we'd like a tour so we got a one on one tour with a nurse. Found out that the baby stays with me 24/7 unless I request otherwise...bath, tests, etc. are all done in the delivery room with me. Sean gets a meal at every mealtime along with me (he loved that idea). Steak/Lobster dinner the last night we are there, and baby gets a free blanket. The facility is very nice and almost seems like a hotel more than a hospital. I'm actually excited about giving birth there!!!

Oh, and we also found out that the head OB nurse/manager at night is one of my favorite nurses from Presby that took care of me during the uterine infection. How crazy is that?! We have the same sonographer from Nathan and a same nurse from Elijah...and we're at a totally different doctor and hospital!

Lil' Punkin

From now on, I will be referring to Baby #3 as Lil' Punkin. :)

I called Nathan "Little One" while in utero because he was our first little one. Real original, I know. Elijah was "Little Blessing" since his arrival was a surprise, and we considered that a blessing from God! With this one, I was stumped on a nickname until the other day. I realized that he/she is due to arrive right around pumpkin season (Oct.) since I have yet to carry to 40 weeks. So, "Lil' Punkin" just seemed to fit. Sean thinks it sounds girly, but since Nathan is confident it is a girl, I think I'm okay.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Note to Baby

March 3, 2009 - I asked Elijah today what he wanted to call you. He responded, “Meow.” I guess he thinks I’m having a kitten! Fear not, though, because when I was pregnant with Elijah, Nathan wanted to call him “Choo-Choo.” :) Nathan cannot be swayed with his belief that you are a girl. He has prayed for MONTHS for a baby sister, and now that he knows I have a baby in my tummy, he is certain that God has answered his prayers for a baby sister. How I hope he is right! He will be sorely disappointed if you are a boy. Ha!

As we began to tell people that you are coming, many of them have told us that they felt that I was going to be pregnant soon too when they heard that Aunt Charity was expecting. In fact, right after we heard about Aunt Charity, Nathan told me, “Mama, you have a baby in your tummy, but it’s littler than Chee-Chee’s. It’s about the size of an M&M.” I remember I called Daddy to tell him and said that we’d have to see if our prophet was right. Sure enough, he was! Of course, he might be off a bit on the size…I don’t even think you are the size of an M&M YET! He thinks you are a girl too – he’s quite adamant about it – so I guess we’ll see how right he is there also.

I made my first doctor’s appointment on Monday. I am going in on Wednesday, March 18th for my first sonogram, blood work, doctor visit, etc. I should be between 6 and 7 weeks by then. It will be very exciting to “see” you for the first time. Daddy is going with me - we are so happy!

Well, my love, it is late, and I have to babysit at a church in the morning. One of the only symptoms I have to signal that you are coming is that my energy level is down, and I am tired quite a bit. So, I am not really looking forward to extra work tomorrow. I am just praying for God’s strength to carry me through. Then, when we get home, the boys and I are ALL napping! I love you, my darling.

Month 1 pics

Elijah says that the baby is "right dare."

Nathan giving the baby kisses; he is CONFIDENT it is a girl!

I shared the news with my MOPS group by wearing this shirt: "New Little Texan Coming Soon"

Not showing yet - just leftover weight from the other 2. I used to be half this thin!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

This was when I told Sean that the baby was coming...and he, in turn, told the boys. You can see the amazement as Nathan processes what he finds out! Love it!

Sean may strangle me for posting this because he hates what he was wear (and his hat hair)!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

And so we begin...

February 28, 2009 - I sit here with my heart overjoyed with the news I received tonight – YOU are coming this fall! We have been waiting on you for many, many months, and your brothers, Daddy and I were thrilled tonight to learn of your presence. I took a home pregnancy test, on a whim, while in the middle of cooking dinner. Ha! I have taken many over the months that have been negative, and I was fully expecting this one to be negative too. When I saw the second line appear, indicating that I was pregnant, my heart just about leaped out of my chest. I ran for my camera to take a few pictures, snuck into the kitchen to grab a baggy…while checking on the pasta that was boiling on the stove. I threw the test into the baggy, grabbed a boy outfit and a girl outfit that I’d been saving to give your daddy and threw them all into a gift bag. Just before dinner, I presented your father with the gift. He said he knew as soon as I said that I had a gift, but I could tell that he was still THRILLED to see it for himself. Your brothers were standing around and wanted to know what was going on so Daddy explained that Mommy had a baby in her belly. They got really excited – jumping up and down and dancing. We’ll see how long this excitement continues once you arrive.
Love, Mommy