Monday, April 27, 2009

Letter to Lil' Punkin

April 27, 2009 - Wow! It’s been over a month since I last wrote and the reason is that you, my dear, have made me very, very nauseas. I have had severe nausea and vomiting…just plain sick! Definitely not fun. I have even thrown up a few times in front of your brothers. During one such time, Elijah was in the tub when I got sick in the toilet. He told me, “Mama, no spit in potty – pee pee in potty!” Yes, they keep me entertained even when I’m not at my best.

I went to my 12 week appointment this past Thursday. I heard your heartbeat again, and it is good and strong at 166 beats per minute. The doctor said that my nausea should be ending soon as I am quickly approaching the next trimester (this next weekend). In the meantime, I was told to eat popsicles to ward off dehydration…oh, darn! My next appointment is May 21st. That seems so far away, but I know it will be here before we know it.

Nathan is still VERY confident that you are a girl. He even patted my belly the other day and asked, “How is she doing?” We have tried to prepare him that there is a chance that you are a boy. He will not hear of it! In fact, I asked him what he would do if you are a boy. He told me that he will sit in the corner and cry. I sure hope we don’t have to deal with that! But, I am sure that if you are another little brother, he will eventually come around and love you as much as if you were a sister.

If you are a girl, Nathan wants to call you “Zelda” after his favorite video game. Elijah said that he will call you, “Star Wars.” LOL Luckily, Mommy and Daddy are sticking to the naming.

I cannot believe that we will be meeting face to face in six months! Wow! I know it will be here before we know it. I love you, Sweetie!