Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lil' Punkin Seed

I had my first doctor's appt. and sonogram yesterday. I am definitely pregnant!

Lil' Punkin is measuring about 3 days ahead at 7 weeks (I was 6 weeks, 4 days per LMP). We got to see and hear the heartbeating, and the sonographer said that it was good and strong. Wahoo! My official due date is Nov. 7th. Considering that I dilated early with both boys and had a very fast delivery the last time (45 min. from time water broke to birth), we may wind up inducing if we are heading in that same direction. The doctor thinks that just breaking my water would do the trick if I am already contracting/dilating.

They did bloodwork and had to use a vein on the inside of my left elbow. I knew I was in trouble when the nurse said, "I'm not going to lie; this is going to hurt." It was the only vein she could find, though. I think my veins went into hiding since they were all blown so badly during the uterine infection following Elijah's birth. LOL But, boy, was she right! That sucker hurt!!! It hurt just to straighten my arm the rest of the night. Luckily, the pain finally went away. I just have a nice bruise on the crevice of my arm.

The sonographer immediately recognized us - she was the sonographer for my first OB who delivered Nathan. So, she has taken pics of my first and third kids now. That was kinda neat. She said to tell Nathan that she was pulling for a girl for us too.
Baby is the long bean; yolk sack is circle next to it. Double click on sono to view larger - click back button to come back to blog.

After the doctor visit,we decided to check out the new hospital - Baylor Frisco. We found the maternity unit and looked around a bit. Then, the lady at the desk asked if we'd like a tour so we got a one on one tour with a nurse. Found out that the baby stays with me 24/7 unless I request otherwise...bath, tests, etc. are all done in the delivery room with me. Sean gets a meal at every mealtime along with me (he loved that idea). Steak/Lobster dinner the last night we are there, and baby gets a free blanket. The facility is very nice and almost seems like a hotel more than a hospital. I'm actually excited about giving birth there!!!

Oh, and we also found out that the head OB nurse/manager at night is one of my favorite nurses from Presby that took care of me during the uterine infection. How crazy is that?! We have the same sonographer from Nathan and a same nurse from Elijah...and we're at a totally different doctor and hospital!

1 comment:

Lingenfelter said...

This little one...seems like a very huge blessing from God since things seemed to be so against this one from coming, starting with the uterine infection and how you could have had an emergency hysterectomy, to simply getting pregnant after such an event...etc. Now we are just seeing great blessings and God's hand on this child and everything surrounding her...yes I said her. :)